Privacy Policy
January 22, 2020
The College Fund of Pinellas County, Inc. maintains the website http://www.collegefundpinellas.org/ for the purposes of (1) informing potential grant applicants of the requirements and procedures for applying for a grant, and (2) informing potential donors of the merits of contributing to the organization. No personal information is collected from visitors to our website; however, non-attributable statistical information which will assist us in improving the site’s ability to reach potential applicants and donors is collected. These statistics include: total of daily hits and average daily hits per page; total number of hits sorted by hour, day, week, month and year; which pages site visitors viewed and for how long; and where visitors to our site came from on the Internet (search engines, other sites). This non-attributable statistical information is shared only with the directors of the College Fund of Pinellas County, Inc. in order to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the website. Visitors to our website will not be automatically enrolled to receive emails or solicitations of any sort and will not be placed on any distribution list. Students desiring information in addition to that available on our website should email their request to info@collegefundpinellas.org. By printing, signing and submitting the Application form available on the website via regular US mail, applicants give their permission for their personal information thus provided to be shared only with the directors of the College Fund of Pinellas County, Inc. and only to evaluate the applicant’s eligibility to compete for a grant and be scheduled for an interview. The College Fund of Pinellas County, Inc. will not sell, share, rent or otherwise transfer information provided on the Application form to any other organization or to any other persons; however, applicants selected to receive a grant may have their name, photograph, hometown and college announced in news media and in fund solicitations sent to our donors. If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, contact the College Fund of Pinellas County, Inc. by electronic mail addressed to: info@collegefundpinellas.org Alternatively, you may contact us by US Mail at: College Fund of Pinellas County, Inc. P.O. Box 673 Clearwater, FL 33757